Elysia Nvelope Mastering Edition

Elysia Nvelope Mastering Edition

Brand: Elysia
A stereo transient shaper with focus on excellent mastering capabilities
Every single of its many aspects – sound, features, circuitry, components, design, materials, manufacturing – has been thought over and over until there was just nothing left to improve. Basically, every single part of  our fine products is custom, and most of these are made according to our own designs and specs.

Only the best components the market has to offer are good enough for the nvelope, and it shows. Each of our product is manually built to order and tested by ourselves, here at our headquarters in Germany.

Our product benefits sum up in an audio quality that is beyond all doubt. Even when extreme settings are used, the sound always stays clean and powerful.

The nvelope Mastering Edition provide stepped controller and precise control range of +/-5dB.

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